Our story. Our beliefs.
About Us
Love God. Love People.
It all comes down to loving God and loving people. If we can do that well, everything else will fall into place.
We have a place for you and your family
- A church where you can begin your personal spiritual journey.
- A safe space for your children to learn Christian principles.
- A community where your family can grow together with other families.
Trusting God like any relationship takes time and effort. We believe that through worship, Connect Groups, Serve Teams, and prayer you will learn how to trust God and gain the spiritual tools to put your faith into action.

The Mission
We are devoted to imparting, enlightening, and uplifting the community; bridging generational gaps through the atoning work of Jesus Christ and spiritual excellence. We welcome believers to recognize their full potential both naturally and spiritually, as the ministry provides hope, healing and inspiration.

The Vision
Relevant and effective ministry committed to empowering and developing people.
Bishop Samuel Duncan, Jr.
First Lady Dorothy Duncan
Co-Pastor Samuel “Cisco” Dunan, IV
Lady Benita Duncan
Bishop Samuel Duncan, Jr.
Bishop Samuel Duncan Jr. was consecrated as Bishop in the Church of God in Christ on November 15th, 2010 in St. Louis Missouri during the 104th Annual Holy Convocation by Bishop Charles E. Blake, Presiding Bishop of the Church of God in Christ Incorporated.
As Prelate of the Michigan Southwest Third Ecclesiastical Jurisdiction COGIC he oversees more than 25 churches throughout the state of Michigan, including churches in Saginaw, Flint, Ann Arbor, Lansing, Grand Rapids, Kalamazoo, and Detroit.
Bishop Duncan is also the Founder & CEO of New Faith Ministries. Armed with a spiritual and moral agenda, New Faith Ministries seeks to effectively utilize its collective influence to benefit Lansing residents, and to respond to the challenges and issues that face the Greater Lansing Area and beyond.
Active in the community, Bishop Duncan has served on numerous boards and been affiliated with many community organizations such as The Clergy Forum of Greater Lansing, Habitat for Humanity, MLK Commission, and Action of Greater Lansing.
Bishop Samuel Duncan Jr. attended Lansing Public Schools from elementary through high school graduating from J.W. Sexton. Then he attended Western Michigan University and graduated with a Bachelor of Arts in Accounting. Bishop Duncan is currently attending Grand Rapids Theological Seminary pursuing a Master of Arts focusing on Theology.
He is a man with a God-given mission to minister to the whole man; spirit, soul and body. Striving for excellence, he is setting new standards and raising the bar for ministry.
Like Joseph, he has a God given dream, in which he strives to see God’s vision for His church unfold in this very hour. Bishop Samuel Duncan Jr. has been a leader and blessing to Lansing COGIC and the city of Lansing.
In private life, Bishop Duncan is the husband of one wife, Evangelist Dorothy Duncan, and the father of 2 children, Samuel “Cisco” Duncan, IV (Benita), and Shayla (Sheldon) Thomas, and grandparent of 4 wonderful grandchildren. More importantly than all that has been stated, Bishop Duncan wants you to know that he’s saved, sanctified, baptized and filled with the Holy Ghost.
Evangelist Dorothy L. Duncan
Evangelist Dorothy Duncan is the First Lady of the Lansing Church of God in Christ, Home of the New Faith Ministries. She is often acknowledged by her church family as the “Fragrance of the House.”
Evangelist Duncan is the daughter of the late Superintendent Bobby and Evangelist Dorothy Moore (of Battle Creek, Michigan). She is the wife of Bishop Samuel Duncan, Jr. She is the mother of two children, Samuel “Cisco” Duncan, IV (Benita) and Shayla Thomas (Sheldon), and the grandmother of four “blessed” grandchildren.
Evangelist Duncan attended Albion Public Schools, Lansing Community College and is a graduate of Michigan State University. She is currently pursuing a Master of Art in Christian Leadership through Grand Rapids Theological Seminary.
Evangelist Duncan serves in various ministerial capacities that include: Jurisdictional and Local Prayer Intercessor, Director of the WOM Ministries (Women On the Move), and president of the annual Zenith Prayer event.
Evangelist Duncan has a passion for praising the Lord as she has dedicated her life to serving God. Her sincerest desire is to please the Lord and always walk upright before Him.
“But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and His righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you”. Matthew 6:33
Pastor Samuel “Cisco” Duncan, IV
Born to Samuel & Dorothy Duncan, Jr., Samuel “Cisco” Duncan, IV is a native of Lansing, Michigan. Growing up in a Christian home, at a young age he knew that one day he wanted to be a preacher of the Gospel, but it wasn’t until February 10, 1995 during his senior year in college he accepted Jesus Christ as his personal Savior. Cisco is married and has two children.
Cisco holds a Bachelors of Business Administration degree in Accounting, and is currently in pursuit of a Master of Arts in Christian Leadership at Cornerstone University/Grand Rapids Theological Seminary. Cisco’s secular work experience consists of over 25 years with government agencies, retail, sales, and numerous years in entrepreneurial endeavors such as financial services, real estate, accounting and bookkeeping, taxes, consulting, restaurant ownership, etc.
After graduating from Saginaw Valley State University where he received athletic scholarships for football and track, Cisco returned home to be an active member at Lansing Church of God in Christ, Home of New Faith Ministries. While serving faithfully, he was ordained as an Elder in the Church Of God In Christ in August of 2004. Cisco is currently serving as the Assistant Pastor to his father, Bishop Samuel Duncan, Jr., a church Trustee, a member of the Finance Committee for the Third Ecclesiastical Jurisdiction of Southwest Michigan and many other roles at both the local and state level.
With a passion to preach, teach, and live the Word of God, Cisco has ministered at various services, revivals, events, and workshops. With a passion to minister to PKs (Preachers Kids), he has established SOAP Ministries (Son of A Preacher) to help PK’s accept and embrace who God has called them to be through Jesus Christ– not a celebrity, not a rock star, not a hip hopper, but a disciple of Jesus Christ.
The most important thing he wants you to know about him is that he is saved, sanctified, and Holy Ghost filled!
Evangelist Benita Ann Duncan
Locally, Benita serves as a Sunday School Teacher for the New Members Class, the Voice of Hospitality, volunteer for the Food Pantry, Co-President of the Marriage Ministry and President of Clergy Wives at the Lansing Church of God in Christ. For 5 years, she has served as the District Missionary of the CH Mason District and in 2014 was appointed as the District Missionary of the Impact District for the SW#3 Jurisdiction, under Bishop Samuel Duncan, Jr. and State Supervisor Mother Earlie M. Peppers. For her Jurisdiction, she serves as the Secretary for the Women’s Department Examination Board and coordinator of the Annual Prayer Zenith.
In her local community, Benita serves as the President of the “Bully Free Zone” at Pleasant View Elementary School.
In 1995, while in courtship with Elder Samuel Duncan IV, she would often visit the Lansing Church of God in Christ, and one grand day, the Lord saved her and filled her with the Holy Ghost and she has been running after God every since.
Benita has a strong passion for the Word of God and loves to study the history and background of the bible. Her desire is to see men and women delivered from bondage and that the gifts that God has placed within them are manifested and operating in their lives. She is often called the “Quiet Storm” because of her boldness to speak the truth in proclaiming the Gospel of Jesus Christ! Her sincerest desire is to please the Lord and always walk upright before Him. She knows that she can do nothing without him and gives Him all the Glory for the things He has done!
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